Frank and Mary Gulluscio form the United States have visted the origins in Longubucco (Italy).
... Greate come together...
Gulluscio's spread around the world... Micheal Gulluscio a far away relative coming from the United States has visited the origin of his ancestors in Longobucco, Italy
Hello Michael also from Germany!
Our cousin Giusy Madeo and Andrea Cantoni got married in Vigevano (PV), Italy.
Dance school Steinlein event - prom of Lara Isabel Gulluscio at the Karl-Diehl-Hall in Röthenbach a.d. Pegnitz, Germany
Our cousin Antonio Gulluscio and Loredana got married close to Cosenza (CS),
A new Gulluscio family member is born. Welcome Cosima Gulluscio and congratulation to Julia and Marco! What a proud father...
Dance school Steinlein event - prom of Sofia-Valeria Gulluscio at the Karl-Diehl-Hall in Röthenbach a.d. Pegnitz, Germany
Our cousin Marco Antonio Gulluscio and Julia Zellhofer got married in Neufahrn
close to Freising, Germany.
A sad day! In memorial to a great woman...
Rosaria Greco and Filippo Del Mauro got married in Pavia (PV), Italy. Pictures taken in the church "Chiesa San Luca" as well as in
"Villa Litta" are presented in the family section. Use the link on the left side. User name and password
will be provided by the Web Master ...
A new family member in our home... Our cat "Karim" was well received by our family in particular by our kids Sofia and Lara. Both
could not believe that suddenly we have a cat in our house... ...eight weeks old.
Margherita ("Rita") Gulluscio and Harald Ott got married in Gerstetten (Baden-Württemberg), Germany. Story and pictures are presented by
Marco Gulluscio in the family section. Use the link on the left side. User name and password will be provided by Marco Gulluscio ...
A particular highlight during the festivity was the singer "Helga Schneider" with the song "Die Glocken von Rom". Please enjoy the picture
with us in the private section...